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SIECUS – Sex Ed For Social Change

While maintaining the belief that sex education is necessary for providing young people with the information they need to ensure their own lifelong sexual health and well-being, SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change began asserting that it can also do more than that; sex education has the power to spark large-scale social change. SIECUS is not a single-issue organization because sex ed, as SIECUS envisions it, connects and addresses a variety of social issues. Sex ed sits at the nexus of many social justice movements—from LGBTQ rights and reproductive justice to the #MeToo movement and urgent conversations around consent and healthy relationships.

Today, SIECUS continues to advocate for the rights of all people to access and enjoy accurate and comprehensive sexuality information, education, and related health services. In doing so, SIECUS honors its founding mission while, simultaneously, working to advance a vision of sex education to meet the needs of the future.
